I am BEYOND thrilled to announce that the LEGENDARY Xena fanfic reviewer Lunacy (aka Maribel Piloto) has agreed to write the opening chapter of Fan Fiction edition of Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World. The book will also include all her reviews and let me tell you folks, I’ve enjoyed Lunacy’s Xena Fan Fic reviews as much as the stories. I’m simply OVERJOYED!

This book will NOT contain any Xena fan fiction but will have links to the fan fiction stories on the web.

Fan Fiction has been the breeding ground of some INCREDIBLE works of fiction by EXTRAORDINARY bards (as we affectionately call our writers in the Xenaverse). These breeding grounds have produced award winning authors out in the Known World. How did that happen? Well this book will tell you BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE!

Not only is it going to have all that goodness but YOU will get a chance to vote on your favourite fan fic stories (they don’t have to be on Lunacy’s list). The TOP TEN voted on stories will be listed in the book and a link to the story will be included.

and I’m borrowing Graphic Art CallisCreations’s awesome cover of her fanfic covers site to pretty this post up.
